Spooky Sends - Night Climb

Lights out! Spooky Sends Halloween Night Climb 🎃

Always a fall favorite, Spooky Sends returns! Bring a headlamp, put on your favorite Halloween costume, and party in the dark with your PadFam! We’re turning the lights off at both our Henderson and San Luis Obispo gyms on Friday, October 25 from 6-10 pm for a haunted headlamp climb.

This event is totally FREE to our members, so we’re hoping all of you happy haunts will join us. Want to bring a plus one? Awesome! Non-members, both humans and ghosts, are invited too (with the purchase of a day pass. Even vampires have to sign waivers).

SLO & HEN staff always have fun at the gym with spooky season, so be sure to follow your home gym on social media. 

Scared of the dark? Beware – the lights will be out in the entire gym, so those headlamps truly are necessary, and an awesome excuse to snap those glowsticks. Costumes are highly encouraged, and no advance registration is required in order to participate. See you there!

A green colored spooky Halloween pumpkin
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